Settlers of Highlands East
First Name List: Begins with H
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All first names beginning with H, sorted alphabetically (total individuals):
1. Hadley (1) 2. Hamilton (2) 3. Hannah (21) 4. Hanorah (1) 5. Harcourt (1) 6. Harlan (1) 7. Harland (1) 8. Harold (40) 9. Harriet (31) 10. Harriett (1) |
11. Harriot (1) 12. Harritt (1) 13. Harry (37) 14. Hartman (1) 15. Harvey (23) 16. Haskel (1) 17. Hattie (8) 18. Hazel (38) 19. Hector (1) 20. Helen (22) |
21. Helena (4) 22. Helga (1) 23. Hellen (1) 24. Helmer (1) 25. Henrietta (11) 26. Henry (58) 27. Herbert (47) 28. Herbie (1) 29. Herclus (1) 30. Hercules (2) |
31. Herman (8) 32. Hester (6) 33. Hetty (1) 34. Hezekiah (1) 35. Hilda (12) 36. Hildred (2) 37. Hilliard (1) 38. Hillor (1) 39. Hiram (4) 40. Holland (1) |
41. Hollie (1) 42. Homer (1) 43. Horace (3) 44. Howard (15) 45. Hubert (5) 46. Hugh (17) 47. Hughey (1) 48. Humphrey (1) 49. Hurlie (1) 50. Hylda (1) |