Settlers of Highlands East
Apsley, Peterborough, Ontario, Canada
Latitude: 44.7528009, Longitude: -78.0880899
Matches 1 to 7 of 7
Last Name, Given Name(s) | Birth | Person ID | ||
1 | Chrysler, Matilda Blanche | 13 May 1884 | Apsley, Peterborough, Ontario, Canada | I100 |
2 | Clifford, John James | 21 Oct 1894 | Apsley, Peterborough, Ontario, Canada | I11139 |
3 | Hales, Mabel | 20 May 1893 | Apsley, Peterborough, Ontario, Canada | I6482 |
4 | Hubble, Hannah G Myrtle | 29 Sep 1890 | Apsley, Peterborough, Ontario, Canada | I146 |
5 | Peters, Leah | 28 Dec 1909 | Apsley, Peterborough, Ontario, Canada | I9566 |
6 | Ritchie, James Clement | 16 Jan 1873 | Apsley, Peterborough, Ontario, Canada | I7818 |
7 | Ritchie, Margaret | 24 Dec 1872 | Apsley, Peterborough, Ontario, Canada | I783 |
Matches 1 to 1 of 1
Last Name, Given Name(s) | Death | Person ID | ||
1 | Parks, William Reid | 1955 | Apsley, Peterborough, Ontario, Canada | I5570 |
Matches 1 to 1 of 1
Last Name, Given Name(s) | Burial | Person ID | ||
1 | Foster, Thomas Robert | Apsley, Peterborough, Ontario, Canada | I2846 |
Matches 1 to 7 of 7
Family | Marriage | Family ID | ||
1 | Bell / Anderson | 5 Sep 1894 | Apsley, Peterborough, Ontario, Canada | F3536 |
2 | Coones / White | 27 Jun 1916 | Apsley, Peterborough, Ontario, Canada | F1404 |
3 | Dewey / LaPlante | 23 Dec 1916 | Apsley, Peterborough, Ontario, Canada | F2450 |
4 | Smith / Southworth | 19 Jun 1883 | Apsley, Peterborough, Ontario, Canada | F2588 |
5 | Steele / Peters | 23 Sep 1913 | Apsley, Peterborough, Ontario, Canada | F2560 |
6 | Vansickle / Bowen | 7 Jun 1878 | Apsley, Peterborough, Ontario, Canada | F32 |
7 | Woodcock / Peters | 22 Mar 1917 | Apsley, Peterborough, Ontario, Canada | F2583 |